
Google Chrome 12 download defense

12:19 AM

            Chrome has updated to version 12 which make your computer safer to browse website and safety download. This new software will alert us when you use it to browse on certain website that got bugs and it also tell us if there is a bug in the file that we are going to download. Then Chrome will ban the file or website that has been alerted to a blacklist.

            Chrome improvements are not only on bugs fix, but also on it 3-D graphics in Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Mac’s Snow leopard. It also supports with Adobe Flash’s new settings which make it easier to browse.

            Thanks to Google for putting $10000 in research for this new bugs protector browser. Now we don’t have to worry about bugs and also to buy a truthful antivirus, we just use chrome the internet bugs protector. And also thanks to 15 vulnerabilities including Sergey Glazunov for creating this new software. Google has award $4,633 to Glazunov for his outstanding and 9,870 to five other researchers.
Please check this website for more information

There are some videos about Chrome too. Click here.



{ Kimheng } at: June 9, 2011 at 1:51 PM said...

I think this new version of Google Chrome is amazing. It can help the user to avoid from any website that has viruses. Also, the 3D graphic that makes the GUI (Graphic User Interface) looks so cool. This new version makes users easy to use, and it will become a comfortable search engine. With many easy and attractive functions, Google Chrome will be the best internet browser that attracts many people to use it. Finally, the encouragement to the researcher by giving them price will motivate him and other researchers to continue their work to find various new technologies to serve human living.

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